June InForum: 2023 Annual Report, Upcoming Pride Events, and more
Society News
May Council Highlights
The Society’s Council met on Friday, May 26, 2023, at 9:00 a.m.
The next Council meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 15, 2023.
2023 Annual Report
The Society’s Annual Report provides highlights of the past year including a message from the NSBS President and Chief Executive Officer and financial statements for the fiscal year-end.
Review the 2023 Annual Report at nsbsannualreport.org.
Notice to Members Regarding Nova Scotia Wildfires
We know that many of you are affected by the wildfires in the province. If your law practice has been impacted in any way, or you have questions, please reach out to the NSBS Legal Services Support team at lss@nsbs.org or 902-422-1491 and speak to Jonathan Saumier or Rob McCleave.
We also take this opportunity to remind you that The Nova Scotia Lawyers Assistance Program (NSLAP) is a confidential referral and short-term counselling service for practising members of the legal profession, their staff and families who may have health or personal concerns. Resources are available for a full range of personal, family or life events and issues.
For members who are outside of the affected range but are concerned about the potential risks related to a natural disaster and its impact on their practice, the Society encourages you to review this resource on managing practice interruptions.
Our thoughts are with affected members during this difficult time, and their families. Be kind to yourself and to others.
Equity and Access
Equity and Access Office: June Update
As we wrap up a busy month, I’m happy to highlight upcoming equity-related events and updates from our Equity & Access office.
At the May Council meeting, the Gender Equity Committee brought forward recommendations arising out of the committee’s survey and report on gender-based discrimination and harassment. Council unanimously adopted the committee’s recommendations which include addressing leave absences, adopting anti-harassment and discrimination policies, including pregnancy and parental leave policies, conducting periodic surveys and more. Review the GEC recommendations.
June is Indigenous History Month as we honour the history, heritage and diversity of Indigenous peoples in Canada. We also recognized National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21st which is the official day of celebration that recognizes and honours the culture, unique history, outstanding achievements and influences by First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples in Canada. I encourage you to continue your learning and review the Indigenous and Truth and Reconciliation related resources located through our practice resource search tool.
The Society’s Truth and Reconciliation Working Group is developing a work plan to be shared with members. It is also the last week to submit nominations for the Award for Mi’kmaq & Indigenous Peoples Excellence in the Legal Profession (AMIE) which recognizes outstanding Mi’kmaq and Indigenous lawyers who have contributed to their community, their Nation, the legal profession and to the Society. Learn more about this award.
Our Racial Equity Committee will host its annual networking event on June 29th honouring articled clerks and new lawyers from Indigenous, African Nova Scotian and racialized communities. We will also recognize the 2023 Race and the Law Essay Prize recipient Keita Szemok-Uto for his paper “Conflicting Decisions: Why the Privy Council Drifted from Precedent in Deciding Cunningham v Homma.” We look forward to celebrating their many achievements.
June is also Pride Month which is about the promotion of human rights, dignity and acceptance for the 2SLGBTQ+ community while celebrating diversity, love and self-affirmation for individuals of the community. Events are held recognizing the contributions, impact and achievements made by 2SLGBTQ+ community, commemorating the uprising that took place in 1969 in Stonewall Manhattan, and challenging the continued inequities faced by the community. These inequities are not only happening abroad, but here in Canada, and in the Atlantic provinces.
While Pride Month is in June, the Society walks in Halifax’s Pride Parade and hosts an annual pride reception with the CBA-NS Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Community (SOGIC) during Halifax’s Pride Week (July 20-30, 2023).
You’re invited to join us as we walk legally proud with CBA-NS in the Halifax Pride Parade on July 23rd. Learn more about this event and how to register. Vanessa and I hope to connect with many of you there!
Mark your calendar for the 19th annual Pride reception scheduled for July 27th at Stewart McKelvey. Stay tuned for additional details and registration.
— Marla Brown, NSBS Director, Equity and Access
Award for Mi’kmaq & Indigenous Peoples Excellence in the Legal Profession (AMIE)
The Society is seeking nominations for the Award for Mi’kmaq & Indigenous Peoples Excellence in the Legal Profession (AMIE), which recognizes outstanding Mi’kmaq and Indigenous lawyers within Nova Scotia who have contributed to their community, their Nation, the legal profession and to the Society.
The 2022 recipient was Josie McKinney.
The AMIE Committee will review nominations and make recommendations to Council based on the following criteria:
- The Nominee is a Mi’kmaw or Indigenous lawyer (practising or non-practising) within Nova Scotia.
- Community Service: The recipient contributes and shows commitment to the Mi’kmaq & Indigenous community through volunteer work.
- Reform: The recipient has made and continues to advocate for reform and change in the justice system to ensure substantive equity for the Mi’kmaq communities and Indigenous peoples living in Nova Scotia.
- Leadership: The recipient is a community leader striving for change.
- Mentorship: The recipient is a mentor to other Mi’kmaq and Indigenous lawyers.
- Overall: The recipient has a career in advancing Mi’kmaq and Indigenous rights and legal traditions.
Do you know an outstanding Mi’kmaw or Indigenous lawyer who fits the nomination criteria?
Nominate a lawyer by submitting a completed nomination form by July 7th.
Questions about this award? Contact the Society’s Equity and Access at equity@nsbs.org.
Your Practice
Disposal of Undistributed Trust Funds
The next application for disposal of undistributed trust funds will be made in July 2023. Submissions should be received at the Society’s offices no later than July 5th, 2023.
If you wish to make an application for the disposal of undistributed trust funds, please refer to the FAQ’s and the Procedure and Sample Documents, or contact Heather Burchill, Professional Responsibility Counsel, at (902) 377 6307 or hburchill@nsbs.org
Lawyers’ Insurance Association of Nova Scotia

News From the NS Courts
- New Provincial Court judge
- Justice Mona Lynch Receives Aurum Award
- Long Trial Intake Schedule in Halifax
- Late Filings in Supreme Court (Family Division)
Professional Responsibility
Changes in Category
In every issue of our newsletter InForum, we provide updates on category changes. These are the Changes in Category from May 25, 2023 to June 28, 2023
Welcome to the members who were recently called to the Bar:
- Temidayo Olushola Agbola
- Aqeel Ahmad Yousafzai
- Haneen Salahuddin Mohammad Al-Noman
- Emma Marie McMullin Arnold
- Christopher Adrian Avery
- Lise Cecile Benoit
- Allison Jade Bigg
- Andrew James Browne
- Cassandra Pauline Cavanagh
- Alistair Montero Chauhan
- Jocelyn Gail Chisholm
- Kristin Lindsay Clarke
- Robyn Emily Clifford
- Aaron Gordon Connolly
- Harrington Fitzgerald Critchley
- Hannah Patricia Crossman
- Jah’Von Marquise Malik Delaney
- James Patrick Downie
- Elizabeth Ellen Dreise
- Sterling McCrea Edmonds
- Seth Ryan Eichhorst
- Matthew John David Elliott
- David William Ertl
- Patience Hilda Faubert
- Olivia McCulloch Feschuk
- Bronte Marie Fudge-Lucas
- Alyssa Marie Gagne
- Kerry Alexandra Gosse
- Laura Marie Graham
- Samantha Dawn Gray
- Zachary Henry Stanley Halper-Johnson
- Allison Carmen Hearns
- Eryn Louise Heidel
- Nicola Ashley Hibbard
- Graeme Isaac Hiebert
- Katerina Leigh Hirschfeld
- Tresa Michelle Jbeili
- Patrick John Kahn
- Terrilyn Kennedy
- Olalekan Akeem Kolawole
- Erin Elizabeth MacDonald
- Haley Julia MacIsaac
- Robbie Suzanne Rachel Mason
- Shaelyn Nicole Masters
- Maxwell Frank Thomas McBride
- Maeve Eva McCabe
- Mamie Sarah McGinn
- Adam Ross McQuarrie
- Brock Joseph Morrison
- George Benjamin Cole Mosher
- Rachel Elise Nagy
- Czerianne Christine Miranda Nocon-Mantolino
- Katie Margaret O’Keefe
- Berli Olivier
- Levi Parsche
- James Richard Pinchak
- Eliza Maxwell Richardson
- Kali Aileen Dawn Robertson
- Raul Rodriguez Bencomo
- Sarah Bethany Russell
- Jamie Elizabeth Samson
- Kellen Kinsman Reid Saunders
- Zachary Lawrence Seaward
- Amra Selimovic
- Suhaylah Junaynah Sequeira
- Jessica Catherine Simm
- Colin Isaiah Smith
- Michael Colton Smith
- Jane Rebecca Soucy
- Alexandra Lily Hunter Strang
- Robert William Szollosy
- Shaniqwa Angelina Darlene Thomas
- Robert John Hugh Tibbo
- Nicole Frances Tomasic
- Jordan MacKenzie Upton
- Kayla Jean VanBuskirk
- Vishal Hari Verma
- James Reid Vickers
- Alexander Leigh Walker
- Lewis Raymond Waring
- Kelsey Elizabeth June Warr
- Claire Leah Wayne
Welcome to our new articled clerks:
- Lauren Melanie Agnew
- Dominique Corinne Boudreau Amit
- Ms. MacKenzie Christine Anderson
- Emily Victoria Annand
- Danielle Andree Arseneau
- Katherine Maude Ashley
- Rackelle Aline Awad
- Lily Rose Bender
- Jacob Lyndsay Bennet
- Leandra Harriet Bouman
- Justin David Broomfield
- Brent Allan Campagnola
- Peyton Ayr Carmichael
- Brandon Daniel Case
- Farina Chaudhry
- Kristen Heather Connolly
- Emily Jane Crompton
- Sean Alexander Davidson
- Wayne Justin Maurice Desmond
- Brianna Lynn Desveaux
- Megan Elspeth Isabel Deveaux
- Lama El Azrak
- Gabrielle Elizabeth Everest
- Ainsley Randall Francis
- Katelyn Sue-Anne Frith
- Anna Reese Giddy
- Miguel Maria Graham-deMello
- Oliver St. Denis Grant
- Eryka Krystyna Gregory
- Jayme Allen Hagen
- Tosha Chelsea Hancott
- Matthew James Hardie
- Graham Conrad MacPherson Headley
- Amin Khaled Helal
- Hannah Isobel Margart Helm
- Robert Makenzie Wayne Hill
- Julia Marie Hiltz
- Mashhal Junaid
- Michael Patrick Kennedy
- Alicia Marie Landers
- Haralambos Lavranos
- Gabrielle LeBlanc
- Emma Lutz
- Daniel Martin Faulkner Mallov
- Dilawar Singh Mangat
- Cierra Mateo
- Ms. Caraid Hope McGinty
- Sean Andrew McNeill
- Abby Phalen Metcalf
- Carly Eve Morrison
- Amber Lisa Murrin
- Nadine Samir Nasralla
- Hanley John Palmer
- Thomas Anthony Panther
- Andrew Winston Paul
- Asha Marie Pelly
- Sophie Helen Pineau
- Sophie Elizabeth Poulos
- Jennifer Lynn Reece
- Laura Patricia Juarez Reyes
- Jenna Marie Robertson
- Meaghan Sarah Rout
- Tarah Nicole Sawler
- Tiegan Alexander Scott
- Taline Jessica Selman
- Vaishali Sharma
- Alexis Bronte Sine
- Katherine Laura Stevenson
- Benjamin James Murdoch Tallon
- Jillian Amber Toonders
- Katie Alexandra Unsworth
- Emma Rose Vossen
- Kathleen Victoria Walker
- Logan Glenn Walters
- Tyler Glenn White
- Emma Mary Laurel Wolfe-Parthun
These members have changed to Practising status:
- Mallory Erna Barbara Arnott
- Robert Keith Dickson, KC
These members have changed to Non-Practising status:
- Dianna Kathleen Burns
- Sahand Farahanchi
- Margaret Jane Lenehan
- Nancy Carla Milford
- Jennifer Sarah Murphy
- George Reis
- Mirsada Stasevic
- Desiree Grace Acosta Tan
This individual has changed to retired status:
- Alexander Ward Hudson
This individual has resigned:
- Dr. Marilyn Preus
These members were elevated to the Bench:
- Angela Doris Caseley
- John C. Cotter
In Memoriam
Our condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of:
John David Wade KC, who passed away on June 10, 2023. Mr. Wade graduated from St. Mary’s University and Dalhousie University and was called to the Bar in 1969. He received his King’s Counsel designation in 1985. Read the obituary.
For Your Information
Join the Legal Information Society’s Lawyer Referral Service
If you are a lawyer in private practice, join the Legal Information Society’s Lawyer Referral Service.
Thousands of Nova Scotians call the Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia’s Legal Information Line each year, and many of them need a lawyer. In 2022, we provided over 770 referrals!
- It’s a great practice-building tool;
- It’s a great way to raise your professional profile;
- It’s a rewarding way to give back to your community;
- And it’s completely free to join!
All referrals a reviewed for merit by our team of Legally Trained Professionals, and all referrals have been advised that if they proceed they may be required to pay a retainer fee.
To find out more or to sign up right now online go to legalinfo.org/lawyers/lawyer-referral-service
The Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia (or LISNS) is a public legal information and education charity. We’ve been providing Nova Scotians with easy-to-understand information and resources about the law since 1982.
The Independent Legal Advice Program is Looking For Lawyers to Join Our Roster
Who are we:
- We provide up to four hours of FREE independent legal advice to survivors of sexual assault in Nova Scotia, age 16+.
- We provide independent legal advice on recent and historical sexual assaults that have occurred in Nova Scotia.
- Our Lawyers are diverse, speak several languages and are service providers to all regions of Nova Scotia in various areas of practice.
How the Process Works:
- The client calls 211 – they are sent out a package with a certificate/and a list of lawyers – the client then calls the lawyer directly – an appointment is set – after the advice is given the lawyer bills us directly for their hours.
- You are a practicing lawyer
- You are insured
- You are a member in good standing with the NSBS
- You agree to the project service rate of $95/hr.
- You are interested in expanding your knowledge on the issue of sexual assault
- You are interested in being part of a Community of Practice
We are looking for Lawyers that are diverse in culture and language. Although any lawyer that is interested may apply, currently we hope to obtain an Arabic-speaking or Indigenous/Mi’maw-speaking lawyer.
If you are interested in joining this support program for survivors of Sexual assault, please contact the Independent Legal Advice Coordinator, Victim Services, Department of Justice at 902- 424- 2928 or email Zabrina.Smith@novascotia.ca, for an application.
North American Indigenous Games: July 15-23, 2023
The 10th North American Indigenous Games will host competitions in 16 sports within 21 venues across Kjipuktuk (Halifax), Dartmouth, Millbrook First Nation and Sipekne’katik.
The North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) 2023 will bring together more than 5,000 athletes, coaches and team staff from 756+ Indigenous Nations celebrating, sharing and reconnecting through sport and culture with the help of 3,000 volunteers.
For more information, visit their website.
Career Opportunities
- Associate Lawyer
- Team Commander (Bilingual) Fredericton, New Brunswick
- Associate Lawyer
- Lawyer
- Associate: Real Estate & Corporate and Commercial Transactions / 3 – 5 years’ experience
- Lawyer
- Paralegal (Legal Services Technician 3)
- Manager, Family Navigation/Assessment Program
- Property Paralegal
- Legal Assistant, IWK Health Centre
- Paralegal (Legal Services Technician 3)
- Lawyer
- Associate Lawyer
- Receptionist
- Legal Assistant – Prosecutions
- Labour Relations Specialist / Counsel
- Legal Assistant
- Legal Assistant – Float
- Deputy Registrar NSCMIRTP
- Collections & Access Librarian, Sir James Dunn Law Library
- Grow your career with Patterson Law in beautiful Bridgewater!
- Legal Assistant – Property
- Receptionist/Legal Assistant
- Experienced Litigation Lawyer
- Paralegal/Legal Assistant
- Paralegal
- Adjudication Officer
- Staff Lawyer II – III – Family Law
- Family Lawyer
- Paralegal
- Family Law Experienced Associate Lawyer
- Legal Assistant – Litigation
Upcoming Events
- Breaking the Silence: Addressing the men’s mental health crisis at work (July 4)
- Working with Episodic Disabilities: Using the latest tools (July 18)
- Treating Toxic Workplaces: Recognizing and repairing poisoned work environments (August 1)
- Lancaster’s Workplace Essentials: Tackling progressive discipline issues (August 15)
- Online LRA Qualification Assessment (September 6)