The Labour Relations Certificate Program, presented by Toronto Metropolitan University and Lancaster House, is designed to provide individuals engaged in labour relations with the core skills and knowledge required to create and maintain productive union-management relationships that foster fair and efficient workplaces.
Done well, workplace investigations can be an organization's most effective risk mitigation tool. But mishandled, workplace investigations can leave companies and their investigators on precariously thin ice. From substantive problems like investigator bias to procedural flaws like failing to act quickly, probes intended to provide answers can instead raise more questions, undermine employment …
More details about Workplace Investigation Pitfalls & How to Avoid Them
In the police services sector, if negotiations result in an impasse, wages and working conditions are determined by labour arbitrators rather than by strike or lockout. In this virtual workshop, seasoned experts will address key issues and trends in interest arbitration in the police services sector, as reflected in the decisions of leading arbitrators across Canada.
More details about Interest Arbitration Police Services Workshop: Current issues, proven practices
Join the CBA-NS Environment, Energy, and Resources section and speaker James Gunvaldsen Klaassen, Managing Lawyer in Ecojustice’s Atlantic Offices, for a discussion on environmental and climate litigation, where almost every proceeding is considered to be pushing the boundaries of our legal system.
More details about New and Novel Claims: Litigating on the Fringes
In this webinar, expert panelists will address noteworthy cases, cross-country trends, and legislative and policy developments of the past year relating to workers’ compensation.
Testamentary plans usually assume that a domestic contract is effective, leaving the testator free to dispose of any portion of their estate that is not otherwise encumbered by the terms of an agreement. However, as with most legal issues, there is no certainty that these contracts will be upheld. Judicial consideration has shown that domestic contracts are vulnerable to being set aside or …
More details about Domestic Contracts & Testamentary Freedom