Looking for training or support? Here are some options:
- Press here to email questions or suggestions.
- The most recent LSS/LIANS Solo & Small Firm Conferences typically cover the most useful topics, not only for sole and small firm practitioners but for other firms too. LIANS maintains a convenient archives here of the video presentations.
At NSBS, we strive to identify the obligations that are the most challenging in order to demystify them, develop guides, and create training sessions for conferences and suitable smaller sessions for local bar meetings. This is driven by member feedback, so let us know what you need us to work on. Of note, we have developed easier approaches and resources for file retention & destruction, succession planning, disaster planning, office manuals and their contents, along with several other areas. We will do more. The MSELP program has helped the effort to match resources to needs.
If there’s a subject for which you want training, call, or email us at lss@nsbs.org. We can:
- send you a resource we have,
- find you a resource somewhere else and bank it to share with other firms,
- create a resource, possibly a webinar,
- meet via email, phone, Zoom or Teams,
- offer to meet you in person, (This can be the most effective and satisfying, particularly where it helps to get your staff or colleagues involved. Examples: file retention, succession planning, old balances, retirement preparation or facing a major change)
- bring your concerns to the attention of others, or
- offer to conduct CPD for a group of firms, usually at the county bar level. Recent examples include a workshop where everyone creates their own file retention & destruction plan and training on client ID.
In addition to Legal Services Support, our colleagues in Professional Responsibility, Trust Accounting, Equity & Diversity, the Library, and Education & Credentials all take a supportive view of their functions. If we cannot answer a question, we can find the person who can.