May InForum: Join us at the June 13th Virtual Annual General Meeting
Continue reading “May InForum”News
April InForum
April InForum: COVID-19 FAQs & Resources, Provide Succession Planning Standard Feedback & more
Continue reading “April InForum”February InForum
February InForum: Conduct unbecoming: What should the Society do when it comes to social media gossip, posts and behaviour?
Continue reading “February InForum”Conduct unbecoming: What should the Society do when it comes to social media gossip, posts and behaviour?
written by Robyn Schleihauf
As the public interest regulator of the legal profession, we receive concerns about lawyers’ conduct. With the rise of social media, we have increasingly received calls with concerns about what lawyers post online, whether it be on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or dating sites.
Continue reading “Conduct unbecoming: What should the Society do when it comes to social media gossip, posts and behaviour?”January InForum
January InForum: CPLED Update, Upcoming Education Session, 2nd VP Nomination & more
Continue reading “January InForum”Recap: Council in the Community with reachAbility
NSBS Council hosted Council in the Community on Nov. 22 at the Halifax North Memorial Library. Aside from giving members of the public insight into the operations of Council, the event, which was in partnership with reachAbility, was designed around promoting inclusion and accommodation within the legal profession.
Continue reading “Recap: Council in the Community with reachAbility”