
Recent Property Online Service Interruption: What the Public Needs to Know

As the public interest regulator of the legal profession, the Society is aware of a service interruption for Property Online, which is operated by the Provincial Government. We are told this appears to be resolved, as of May 13th.

This is a busy time for real estate transactions. The interruption had an impact and caused stress for clients.

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Recent Property Online Service Interruption: Message to Members

The Society followed the recent service interruption at Property Online. Our acting Executive Director, Jacqueline Mullenger, and the Director of LIANS, Lawrence Rubin, met with the Registrar General. We continue to engage with other members of the Bar on implications.

We know it was a serious challenge conducting busy practices while protecting clients’ interests during this uncertainty. You often had to explain that some delay is necessary, even though there might be cost or other implications for the client.

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