Free legal advice to adult survivors of sexual assault available through Independent Legal Advice (ILA) program

Posted on behalf of the Independent Legal Advice Program, Government of Nova Scotia.

The Independent legal Advice (ILA) Program for Adult Survivors of Sexual Assault provides FREE, independent legal advice to adult survivors of sexual assault. To be eligible participants must be at least 16 years old at the time they access the program, and the assault must have occurred in Nova Scotia. To register for the program participants can call, text, or email 211 Nova Scotia. They are then able to choose a lawyer from the roster. Participants are assured of their privacy and autonomy; they are not required to report to the police or pursue legal action, maintaining anonymity from government.

Lawyers are encouraged to share the short informational video with their networks and refer the program to those that may benefit. For additional information, promotional materials, presentation inquiries, or if you are interested in joining the roster of lawyers, please email