Avoiding the Most Litigated Wills & Estates Issues: A Litigator’s Perspective

Wills and estates practitioners – as well as other professionals involved in the estate planning process – can take many different steps throughout the planning process to limit the likelihood of a successful challenge to an estate plan and/or a testamentary document. While litigation cannot be completely avoided, the risks inherent in estate planning transactions can be significantly reduced by taking some relatively simple steps at the front end. In this webinar, experienced estates litigator David Hunter will discuss three of the most litigated issues in estate litigation – testamentary capacity, undue influence, and gifts by right of survivorship. Drawing on recent cases and examples from his own practice, David will offer important insights on the broad duty placed on solicitors in the estate planning process, and the importance of taking accurate and complete notes and properly documenting a will maker’s intentions. By the end of the program, you’ll have a better understanding of key principles and practices that, properly followed, will help avoid pitfalls in the planning and drafting process and save a significant amount of time, energy, and expense for everyone involved. Register early to avoid disappointment!

Live webinar with chat includes 60 day replay. This program features real-time audio and video of the presenter with synchronized presentation slides, and a chat feature that allows for live Q & A.