Mi’kmaq and Indigenous
- Wije’winen Mi’kmaq Native Friendship Centre: “Wije’winen”, wijewinen.ca.
- Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society, “Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society to Launch Mandatory Indigenous Cultural Competence Training” (September 2023) . nsbs.org.
CBA – This training is called The Path (Use your personal link in an email you received to do the training; search The Path on the CBA website to look back on it later for refresher purposes. Unfortunately, the link will soon change.)
- Mi’Kmaw Legal Support Network: “Mi’kmaq Legal Support Network”, mlsn.ca.
- Native Council of Nova Scotia: Native Council of Nova Scotia, mlsn.ca.
- Mi’kmaq Resources: Mi’kmaw Services Resources.
- Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre,“Mi’kmawe’l Tan Telo-kina’muemk Teaching about the Mi’kmaq” (2015). Book available online through mikmaweydebert.ca.
- Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia: “Decolonization Learning Journey: A Five Part Journey with Mi’kmaw Elders and Knowledge Sharers”, ions.ca.
African Nova Scotian and People of African Descent
- Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia: BCC: Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia, bccns.com.
- Black Loyalist Heritage Centre: Black Loyalist Heritage Centre, blackloyalist.novascotia.ca.
- Africville Heritage Trust: Welcome to the Africville Museum, africvillemuseum.org.
- African Nova Scotian Justice Institute: African Nova Scotian Justice Institute, ansji.ca.
- Government of Nova Scotia: African Nova Scotian Affairs- Government of Nova Scotia: Resources and Links, ansa.novascotia.ca
Other Racialized Communities
- Immigration Services Association of Nova Scotia: ISANS, isans.ca.
- Government of Nova Scotia: Nova Scotia Immigration: Resources, novascotiaimmigration.com.
- Canadian Muslim Lawyers Association: Canadian Muslim Lawyers Association (CMLA-ACAM), cmla-acam.ca.
- Islamic Association of Nova Scotia: Islamic Association of Nova Scotia (IANS), islamnovascotia.ca.
- Federation of Asian Lawyers Canadian Lawyers: FACL Ontario, on.facl.ca.
- Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project: Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project N.S.R.A.P., nsrap.ca.
- Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project, “Protection of Gender Identity & Gender Expression”, (November 2012). nsrap.ca.
- Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia: 2SLGBTQIA+ Learning Journey, ions.ca.
Persons with Disabilities
- Disability Rights Coalition of Nova Scotia: Disability Rights Coalition of Nova Scotia, disabilityrightscoalitionns.ca.
- Inclusion NS:-Who We Are | Inclusion NS, inclusions.ca.
- Disabled Persons Commission and the Government of Nova Scotia, “Government Resource Guide for Persons with Disabilities in Nova Scotia” (2010). respiteservices.com
- Government of Nova Scotia: Accessibility resources , novascotia.ca.
- ReachAbility: – Welcome to reachAbility, reachability.org.